Alan Rosenberg is an actor and also a former President of the Screen Actors Guild. He and Marg were married in 1989 and have one son, Hugh. They subsequently divorced in 2008 but remain good friends.
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “People like to see someone who has really got problems, but is strong and who faces them. That’s Margie and that’s the character of K.C. that she played.”
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I show up to work the first day and I was kind of nervous. Those soap opera sets were kind of strange if you weren’t part of the regular cast. I always felt like sort of an outsider. So I was sitting in a corner by myself and Margie walked into the room. And she was just salt of the earth. You know, I‘ve never met anyone who had sort of a combination of real kind of enormous acting talent, but who was also just a regular person.” (Alan discussing meeting Marg on the set of Ryan’s Hope)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I was in love right away. There was this beautiful, intelligent, funny, down to earth person in my life.”
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “The moment Hughie came out, I just melted. I couldn’t believe it. I fell in love with Margie all over again.” (commenting on the birth of their son)
–all of the quotes above were taken from Lifetime’s Intimate Portrait of Marg Helgenberger
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “For me it is very unnatural,” Alan says. “People cast husbands and wives and think it brings something extra to the table, that there will be an automatic intimacy there, but we have been together for 18 years. I find it very difficult to be intimate with my wife in front of a room full of people.” (commenting on working with Marg on ‘CSI’ – Entertainment Tonight, May 2005
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I turned into a ‘Ryan’s Hope’ fan,” he admits. “This is naughty, but I remember watching it with my ex-wife.”
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I remember just sitting there in the green room, just wondering, waiting for instructions. In walked Marg. And I witnessed such beauty that I swear it took my breath away the first time I saw Marg. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my life.” (on meeting Marg for the first time on the set of ‘Ryan’s Hope’)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “My brother at the time was the vice president of Warner Bros. Pictures and they were doing a movie called Greystoke The Legend of Tarzan. And they were having a hard time casting the role of Jane. So I called my brother up and said, There’s this woman in New York who is very beautiful and I think she’s really really talented and I think you should audition her. And he did. It was her first big movie audition.” (on helping Marg get her first movie audition)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I was in the bank withdrawing what little money I had left in my account and there was Marg Helgenberger in the bank. I had no reason to believe she’d remember who I was. I said, Hi remember me? And she gave me a big hello and she was happy to see me which amazed me. And we exchanged numbers and I was too shy to call her back. I thought there was no way she’d go out with me but three days later she called me and asked me out. And we had a great time. She went out with me again…” (on meeting Marg again at the Bank of America)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “We used to lie there and talk about our dreams. Talk about what we wanted to accomplish. We just both wanted to work as actors in sort of an important way.” (the quotes above were taken from the A&E Biography: Don’t Call Me Marge)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] Rosenberg admits to ‘remaining silent’ on some of his wife’s more hair-raising dyejobs. “But the choices don’t come out of a sense of vanity,” he explains. “They come out of her sense of fun–that’s what gives Marg that sparkle.” (commenting on some of Marg’s hairstyles, People Magazine May 2002)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] I always remember just how glowing she was when she walked up on that on that stage and won. I was just…I was so proud of her. And it was great. There she was with our baby inside her, standing up on the stage getting her just desserts. (source unknown)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “Both of us have been involved in trying to raise awareness about breast cancer,” Rosenberg said. “It wasn’t long before Marg and I met when her mom was diagnosed. Marg’s mom’s medical history makes me concerned for Margi, so it’s something that affects me very deeply and of course Margi, in honor of her mother, and also as someone who is concerned for her own health.” (Omaha Weekly Reader, September 2003)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] When they first met, Rosenberg says he had lost his ambition and spark. “She inspired me to dream again.” (source unknown)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “Margy makes looking through a microscope interesting, week after week. She possesses a lot of Catherine’s toughness and savvy, but her personal life is in far better order. She’s a phenomenal mother who tends to be the firm one, the anchor of our family. And although she’s serious and goal-oriented, Margy’s also a party animal who loves to dance. She’s a phenomenal dancer. Her style tends to lean towards the rocker look, but because she’s so beautiful she doesn’t have to do much in the way of makeup or fashion. I always pay much more attention to her than what she’s wearing.” (TV Guide, The Sexy Issue, March 2007)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I’m the one saying, ‘Wait until your mother gets home,’” Rosenberg says. “Hugh would be a mess if it weren’t for her.” (More Magazine 2007)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “Marg loves to dance, to kick up her heels and have fun,” says her husband, actor Alan Rosenberg. “And at home she doesn’t allow boring conversations.” (InStyle Magazine, April 2001)