1.01 and 1.02 Pilot
K.C.: “Cards, Monopoly, ping pong, Kool Aid – just what the boys want.”
Cherry: “Well, what game do they like to play most?”
K.C.: “Not in here.”
Cherry: “Where is it?”
K.C.: “Try looking in a mirror.”
Cherry: “Why?”
K.C.: “Are you real?”
Cherry: “Well, are you with the Red Cross too?”
K.C.: (laughs) “Graduated…Well, I didn’t exactly graduate. There’s a lot that a girl can do here. I mean, not in this room exactly…other recreational rooms. (Cherry gives her a naive look). TCB – take care of business.”
K.C.: “Once I knew it was you, I knew I just had to open the door.”
Cherry: “Thank you.”
K.C.: “Because I knew you’d never go away.”
Cherry: “Who was that?” (referring to one of K.C.’s potential Johns)
K.C.: “One that got away.”
Cherry: “Did I interrupt something?”
K.C. (laughs): “The light dawns. Maybe there is somebody in there.”
K.C. (to Cherry): “You make it worse, in your little outfit. A tease – one more thing they can’t have.”
K.C. (to Cherry): “I know what they want and I give it to them. Well, I don’t exactly give it to them.”
Cherry: “You what?”
K.C.: “Duty, honor, country. I know all about honor. I honor MasterCharge, Bank Americard, American Express.”
Cherry: “I don’t believe you.”
K.C.: “I sell whatever sells. I’ve got a heart of gold, as long as it’s 14 to 24 carat.’
Cherry: “That’s disgusting.”
K.C.: “What do you give ’em? Some nice chit chat. Then you send them out there to get shot at? To be shafted? Or maybe to begin a lifelong relationship with a green piece of plastic that zips. Take off the invisible white gloves. Open your eyes. We do the same thing…except I perform a real service.”
Cherry: “Why are you coming?”
K.C.: “It’s a feeding frenzy for stuffed shirts and stuffed wallets. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
K.C.: “Offering free swimming lessons?
Boonie: “Well, only for the ladies.”
K.C.: “Don’t I know it…”
Boonie: “When are you going to retire?”
K.C.: “When are you going to be rich?”
Boonie: “When are they going to discover oil on China Beach?”
K.C.: “Never.”
K.C.: “You were something when I first met you…lying on your back…”
Boonie: “That was a long time ago.”
K.C.: “Eight months.”
Boonie: “Eight years, eighty years…”
K.C.: “Wounded, skinny. Scared and pale.”
Boonie: “Somebody stole my sun lamp.”
K.C.: “I kept you warm.”
Boonie: “Except for all of that cold cash.”
K.C.: “I know. I’m just a one-stop, full service center, who went from a bad pimp to a good one. U.S. Armed Forces and the war in Vietnam.”
Boonie: “Keep telling yourself that. Keep on trying. I’m never going to buy it.”
1.03 Home
Soldier with his arm in a cast: “Hey! Sign it?”
K.C.: “Is your mother going to see it?”
1.04 Hot Spell
Cherry: “K.C., what are you up to now?”
K.C.: “No good. But if this deal goes down, K.C. won’t have to do anything or anyone she doesn’t want to, ever again.”
Cherry: “That’s great.”
K.C.: “That’s independence, the only kind that counts.”
K.C. (to dealer who is showing her pics of the vase she’s purchasing): “What I see are two superb examples of photography. What I want to see is the vase.”
Lila: “Is that all you can think about? Your bank account?”
Cherry: “Oh, it’s not the money, Lila. It’s about her independence.”
K.C.: “It’s about money too.”
Laurette: “So tell me, how do you do it? Staple your lips?”
K.C.: “I never forget the religious side to fashion.”
Laurette: “Hmmm?”
McMurphy: (laughs) “K.C. is right. Never, and I mean never, underestimate the power of prayer.”
Laurette: “Prayer?”
K.C. & McMurphy: “Dear God, let it fit!!!”
K.C. (discussing her first time): “The Junior Mints were stale and so was the sex.”
K.C. (responding to Cherry’s game that everyone should wish for what they want most): “I wish I could get out of this hole before the deal of a century goes sour and I’m…(looks around at the shocked faces watching her)…I’d like an end to world hunger and peace in our times.”
1.05 Somewhere Over The Radio
Pilot: “Hey, what’s up, K.C.? A little cash flow problem, honey?”
K.C.: “Don’t worry about it. My assets are solid.”
K.C.: “I’m getting impatient, and when I get impatient, I get angry. And after that, sometimes you can never make it up to me.”
Radio operator: “Well, I wouldn’t want to do that.”
K.C.: “Don’t.”
McMurphy (discussing the crazy quilt shirt she’s making): “You’re missing the point. Each patch will mean something to Dr. Richard, and he can share it with Beth Ann in Hawaii.”
K.C.: “The man is going to fly halfway around the world to see his wife and talk about Boonie’s shorts? For a smart girl, you can be incredibly dumb.”
1.06 Waiting For Beckett
Cherry: “I need your advice.”
K.C.: “The doctor is in.”
Cherry: “He’s a friend of Rick’s, K.C. And he only wants to do what Rick has already done.”
K.C.: “Oh boy, there goes St. Rick.”
Investigator: “Now, you tell me what you know.”
K.C.: “You know what I know.”
Investigator: “Well, I know you know more than you think I know you know.”
K.C.: “What?”
Investigator: “I read eyes.”
K.C.: “Oh…well, I guess I should have worn my dark glasses.”
1.07 Brothers
K.C.: “Do do that voodoo that you do so vell.” (talking to McMurphy as she holds a black nightie up in front of her)
Cherry: (looking in a box that belongs to K.C.): “I don’t even know what most of this stuff does.”
McMurphy: “To boldly go…”
K.C. & McMurphy: “…where no man has gone before.”
1.08 Chao Ong
K.C. (to McMurphy who is talking about where she got waxed once): “No. I mean under your arms, your legs, your….you know.”
K.C.: “It’s simply economics, ladies. Supply and demand. When men are scarce, their value goes up. When men are plentiful like they are here, the market gets glutted.”
Soldier: “Want a drink?”
Laurette: “I have a drink.”
K.C.: “I drink too much.”
McMurphy: “Never tough the stuff.”
Solder: “Thanks.”
K.C. (looking at the wall Laurette painted for her in their special place): “Mandarin red. I didn’t know she had such good taste.”