7.01 Built to Kill, Part 1
Nick: “Do you still like to dance?” (Catherine makes a face and gives him a look) “I don’t mean the way that you used to. I mean…”
Catherine: “I know what you mean. And yes, I do.”
Nick: “So, do you think that Grissom will show?”
Catherine: “Not if he thinks that he has to dance.”
7.02 Built to Kill, Part 2
Catherine (to Sam): “You’re not a businessman. You’re a thug in thousand dollar shoes!”
7.03 Toe Tags
Catherine (referring to elevator floor numbers): “No thirteen, no four and no fourteen. Yeah, unlucky numbers. Different countries, different superstitions. Something Sam taught me.”
Catherine: “Now we know how you drown in an elevator. You don’t.”
Catherine: “Stop and smell the roses.”
Catherine (referring to suspect’s suit): “Dry cleaner screwed us.”
7.04 Fannysmackin’
Catherine: “Pig and the piglets are in the pigpen.”
Catherine (to Greg, who is wearing a suit): “All right, Slick!”
Catherine: “Could be a mass text. Lindsey once sent everyone in her phonebook the same message at the same time. I got stuck with a $300 bill.”
7.05 Double Cross
Catherine: “Eighteen years and this is my first crucifixion.”
7.06 Burnout
Terrance Crowley: “How do those dogs find people?”
Catherine: “Just like in the movies. They sniff them out.”
Terrance Crowley: “Bet it’s expensive, huh?”
Catherine: “Are you worried about the money?”
7.07 Post Mortem
Catherine: “I hope I die before I get old.”
7.08 Happenstance
Catherine: “Everybody’s got dirty laundry. Sometimes it gets you killed.”
Catherine: “Eight year olds dressing alike I kind of get. But grown women? That’s weird”
7.09 Living Legend
Catherine: “I was sixteen. ‘Jaws’ was sold out, so I went looking for trouble.”
Catherine (to Mickey): “Mob doctors become mob doctors because they sucked in the first place.”
Catherine: “Oh, you’ve been out of the game a while. The homies they have in the pen these days…they never heard of you.”
Mickey Dunne: “That’s impossible.”
Catherine: “No, Mickey. That’s life.” *winks*
Archie: “You watch slasher flicks?”
Catherine: “With Lindsey I do. They never get the spatter right.”
7.10 Loco Motives
Catherine (laughing while talking to a man stuck in cement): “So how’s your day going?”
Catherine (to man in cement): “You ready to give me a name? You know you are in a very deep hole in every sense of the word, my friend. Think about that while we chisel you out. It’s gonna take a few hours, assuming we’re careful.”
7.11 Leaving Las Vegas
Catherine: “Addie raised a mama’s boy. She finally had enough. She was kicking his ass out.”
Nick: “You know, I thought you were gonna leave a few months ago.”
Catherine: “Why? ‘Cause I shaved my beard?”
Catherine: “Is that what people think? That Daddy’s little girl got a big inheritance?”
Catherine: “Every time you answer one of my questions, I unbutton a button.”
Catherine: “Norman Bates is keeping his mother alive and well.”
7.12 Sweet Jane
Brass: “Gotta love Vegas. Isn’t that right, Catherine?”
Catherine: “My home town.”
Catherine: “You’re a CSI, not a profiler.”
Keppler: “What’s the difference?”
Catherine: “Evidence.”
Keppler: “Kind of reminds me of my uncle Ralph.”
Catherine: “Except for the serial killer part, I hope.”
7.13 Redrum
Catherine: (Referring to faking a crime scene) “I’m not used to faking it.”
Keppler: (Smirking) “When was the last time you had to?”
Keppler: “You know, Catherine. If we do our jobs right and catch the bad guy, no one’s going to remember.”
Catherine: “I’ll remember.”
Catherine: “You steal cars before you became a CSI?”
Keppler: “Stealing cars gets old fast. I like more of a challenge.”
Catherine: “Note to self.”
7.14 Meet Market
Catherine (to suspect): “I know how hard it is to wiggle your ass all night.”
7.15 Law of Gravity
Catherine (to Keppler): “Let me help you.”
Catherine: “Mike, don’t do anything stupid.”
7.16 Monster in a Box
Catherine (to Grissom about Keppler): “He did come down on the right side.”
Catherine: “It’s Deja Vu all over again.”
Doc Robbins: “Now what is wrong with this brain?”
Catherine: “Other than the fact the it is out of the skull?”
7.17 Fallen Idols
Catherine: “I’m so getting Lindsey a chastity belt.” (In response to finding crabs on a blanket she’s processing)
Catherine (to Grissom): “You’re so creepy sometimes.”
7.18 Empty Eyes
Catherine: “When I first started doing this, every body I worked on reminded me of someone.”
7.19 Big Shots
Sofia Curtis: “Looks like a bar napkin.”
Catherine: “Yeah, that’s been shaped, rolled and twisted. Las Vegas Origami. Pretty corny.”
Sofia: “Probably work on me.”
Catherine: “That bad, huh?”
Catherine: “Don’t tell me you’re tired of the field already.”
Hodges: “No, I had to catch up on my Perez Hilton.”
Catherine: “I take it you’re not going to pull a Sanders, then?”
Hodges: “Let’s see. Clean friendly lab, bullet strewn, urine soaked street? That’s a tough call.”
7.20 Lab Rats
Catherine (to Grissom about her case): “So Greggo gets a hit at a mod restaurant and I get a clown who can’t take a joke.”
7.21 Ending Happy
Catherine: “Either that or this guy has the world’s ugliest Johnson.”
Catherine: “Doris administers some very special first aid and Happy’s little soldier swells to battalion size.”
7.22 Leapin’ Lizards
Catherine (to Greg in reference to him being bitten): “You up for a bite?”
Grissom: “Hey, did Shannon Turner have a cat?”
Catherine: “Yeah.”
Grissom: “So did Hank Conners. See, it figures. Cats are a natural enemy to reptiles.”
Catherine: “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Catherine: “Men are snakes.”
7.23 The Good, The Bad & The Dominatrix
Catherine (to Sara): “My fantasy does not include costumes. Not pain, and certainly not sawdust.”
Catherine: “You were with her all night. Can you explain why? I know you don’t go home and cuddle your insects every single night, but why would you go there knowing we’re in the middle of an investigation? And now she’s a prime suspect with you as her alibi.”
Grissom: “It was a social call. That’s all.”
Catherine: “So, when your personal life gets tangled up in a case, that’s off limits?”
Grissom: “Yes.”
Catherine: “Isn’t that a little hypocritical?”
Grissom: “Apparently so.”
Catherine: “You know, I’d slap you, but I think you’d enjoy it too much.”
Catherine: “You start fishing from the company pier, you’re just asking for trouble.”
Catherine: “Okay. Come on, Jim. Give it up. I know you know something about Grissom and Lady Heather.”
7.24 Living Doll
Catherine: “Okay… we’re in a David Lynch movie. Where’s the dwarf?”
Catherine: “A grown man sticks his hand up the back of a doll, and speaks like a girl. Sounds healthy.”
*graphics designed by forum member Andry