George Eads has worked with Marg for nine seasons and counting on ‘CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.’ He plays the role of Nick Stokes.
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “Well, let’s see. Let’s see. Marg is so hot, that sometimes when I first see her, I can’t help but stare at her. It’s like something comes over you. When you’re driving your car and you’re looking in the mirror and there’s cop lights. And you’re like “Oh geez, what have I done.” It’s kind of like the heart jumping in your throat sometimes with her. To top it off, she’s like the coolest lady. And now, the last few years, every time I go to give her a kiss on the cheek, she goes to give me a peck on the mouth. The best part of my day with her. Now I just go right in for the frontal. I used to go “Ooh, Marg the frontal.” Now I just don’t say anything, I just go in and get it. But yeah, she takes care of herself. She’s beautiful.” (when asked to put how hot Marg is into words, AOL/Insider Television, March 2009)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “Marg! Marg is awesome. I love her, I love being around her.” (when asked who his favorite person to work with was on CSI, Yahoo interview, date unknown)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “I know all of these interviews and all the stuff we’re all supposed to say how wonderful she is, but she really is. I’m not just doing it because I’m supposed to or because, you know, it’s respectful to her. I mean, she really is not only a great actress, but a great person. And if you’re stuck on the set for fourteen, sometime more than fourteen hours, to be around somebody that’s just ultra cool and such a sweet person that’s just disarming and respectful…And she just has that professional attitude and personality that I would like to have, you know. That I will take from when I leave, whenever that day comes, when I leave. But just a great person.” (Entertainment tonight, December 2011)