Robert David Hall has co-starred with Marg on CSI since its premiere in 2000. He plays coroner, Dr. Al Robbins.
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] “She’s a friend. She’s like a sister. I’ve known her for 12 years now. But of course, I support her decision to move on and try new things,” ( December 2011)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”quotes-left” wrap=”span”] At Marg’s goodbye party, CSI costar Robert David Hall “gave the actress a big kiss — a stark contrast from his first days on set with Helgenberger nearly 12 years ago, when he too awestruck to stand next to her. “She is such a beautiful person,” he recalled to EW. “I could only speak jibberish.” (, December 2011)